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Gaelscoil Phortlaoise
Bunaithe 1998
"Ní neart go cur le cheile!"
Fón: 057-8688293
Éircód R32YA66
An Coiste Ghlas
Ón scoilbhliain 23.24 beidh téacsleabhair, léitheoirí, leabhair saothair agus cóipleabhair na scoile ar fáil ón scoil gan costas.
Iarrfar ort stáiseanóireacht a cheannach do do pháiste agus beidh éagsúlacht ar an liosta sin ó rang go rang.
Gheobhaidh tú an liosta sin leis an tuairisc deireadh bliana.
From the school year 23.24, your child's text-books, work-books, readers and copybooks will be provided for by the school.
You will be asked to purchase stationery for your child and that list will vary from class to class.
The stationery list will be furnished with the end of year school report.
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