Gaelscoil Phortlaoise
Bunaithe 1998
"Ní neart go cur le cheile!"
Fón: 057-8688293
E-phost: runai@gaelscoilphortlaoise.net
Éircód R32YA66
An Coiste Ghlas
An Bord Bainistíochta/ Board of Management
Tá an Bord Bainistíochta freagrach as bhainistíocht na scoile agus tá an príomhoide i gceannas ar oibriú na scoile ó lá go lá.
Tá ochtar ar an mBord Bainistíochta. Tá Aoife Elster mar Chathaoirleach ar an mBord Bainistíochta na scoile. Tá beirt ionadaí ag na tuismitheoirí ar an mBord, beirt ainmnithe ag an bpatrún, beirt ainmnithe ag an bpobal , an príomhoide agus ionadaí na múinteoirí.
The Board of management is responsible for the school and the principal is responsible for the daily running of the school.
There are 8 people on the Board of Management. Aoife Elster is the Chairperson of the Board of Management. There are 2 parent representatives on the board, 2 representatives named from the patron, 2 public representatives, the principal and a teacher from the school.