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Green Schools Expo san RDS

Bhí lá iontach again san RDS Déardaoin ag taispeántas na scoileanna glasa. Bhí sé thar a bheith spéisiúil. Bhí alán seastáin ann a bhain le hathchursáil, athusáid, fuinneamh a shábháil, bithéagsúlacht, bitheolaíocht na mara, fuinneamh athnuachan agus módhanna taistil. Bhain na leanaí lán sult as.

The children had an amazing experience at the Green Schools Expo in the RDS last Thursday. It was extremely interesting. There were a variety of exhibitions there relating to recycling, reuse, saving energy, biodiversity, marine biology, renewable energy and transport.

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