Lá Domhanda na Leabhair/ World Book-Day

Bhí Lá Domhanda na Leabhair á cheiliúradh againn ar an Déardaoin 2ú Márta i nGaelscoil Phortlaoise. Don oíche sin le haghaidh obair bhaile beidh an bhéim ar leabhair a léamh. Má tá páiste óg agat nach bhfuil scileanna léitheoireachta aige/aici fós is féidir leatsa nó seantuistí do pháiste suigh síos leo agus leabhair a leamh dóibh.
As part of our continuing endeavour in motivating and encouraging the children to read we celebrated. World Book Day on Thurs 2nd March in Gaelscoil Phortlaoise.
These are the ways we celebrated books and reading:
All pupils are welcome to come to school on Thurs, March 2nd dressed as a character from their favourite book. They are asked to bring their book to school as we will be taking photographs to form a collage to mark this special day.
We have registered with “wordbookday.com” and will avail of all their interesting resources/ideas online. Amongst them an interactive story writing wizard with expert storywriting advice from bestselling authors like Francesca Simon (Horrid Henry) Jeremy Strong and Cressida Conell to name a few. Also, for the younger students, eleven new video books with activities that will motivate and encourage them to pick up a book.
An art project where the pupils will re-illustrate the cover of their favourite book.
A “Read-in” where pupils and staff alike will spend 30 minutes reading quietly together after lunch on Thursday. Pupils are allowed bring in a favourite book from home to read if they so wish. Please ensure your child’s name is on it.
A fun table quiz based on books in various classes.
A “reading buddy” session is organised where pupils from 3rd/4th / 5th/6th classes read a book to naíonáin, bheaga/mhóra which they have designed, illustrated and written themselves.